Government departments invest substantially every year in creating information. Images, text files, presentations; the list goes on. Cataloguing them and finding an effective method of navigating the resulting database is a challenge. Without the right tools though, keeping information organised and accessible is a lot harder than it has to be. Particularly with the strides made over recent times in online data management and storage. Digital Resources Warehouse from Piction makes building and providing online access to information repositories a challenge of manageable proportions.
Digital Media Warehouse can make the management and distribution of images or other electronic media (audio, video clips, interactive multimedia for example) and their integration with other information such as text files or presentations, a simple and straightforward process. One that could easily become a part of the way you work.
What does Digital Resources Warehouse do?
Digital Resources Warehouse is a Media Asset Management tool that allows you to provide secure, immediate online access to a catalogued database of information.
- You decide - it could be every piece of electronic information you need to provide public access to, it could be your photo library, or it could be somewhere in between. You have to use it, so it’s got to be flexible enough for you to make it work the way you do, not the other way around.
- It’s got to be simple enough to operate that just about anyone can keep records up to date.
- It’s got to scale, because you know information grows to fill available storage space.
- It’s got to have a reasonable cost vs return scenario, and you ought to be able to pilot it without committing too much.
- And it’s got to be secure, because although the point is to provide simple public access to information, that information will be subject to copyright and legislative directives regarding access.
For more information please contact us.
Australia: +61 2 8912 2151
United States: 855 742 8466
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